Show in Messenger what you are listening on Winamp.
Although the message in the image might be true, there is still people who uses Live Messenger
All what you will need to show what you are listening is a plugin for Winamp, you can get it here:
Live Messenger Now Playing Plugin - Customizable and compatible with MSN Messenger or MS Live Messenger
If by a reason the plugin is deleted, as the one I used to download, you can search other or get it in my Skydrive Here, I hope the Plugin developer do not hate me for upload it there hehehe
Once you download it, Close Winamp and run the File, It will 'install' the Plugin in your computer, what it really does is copy the plugin in Winamp's Plugin Folder, that's why you have to specify the directory where it is installed, by default it select the default directory of Winamp.
After 'install' it Open Messenger, Select "Show What I'm Listening" as Status message and finally open winamp, play a song and watch you new status
This plugin is customizable, you can select the way it shows the now playing information, I'm comfortable with the default one [Song - Artist] that's why I've not tried to change it, just added the Rating, but if you want, you can change it on Winamp's Preferences.
Here is some info about it, Maybe I'll add the PlayCount, hehehe
Well, that's all, Have fun sharing in your status the song you are listening hehehe Specially if it is Music from Perfume.
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