Kill a process using a Port

This is gonna be a fast post, sometimes I get a error in NetBeans that says I can't run the application because the port 8081 is used by other app, then I have to kill that app. first we have to find it running the next command in a Console
netstat -n -o
This will print
Protocol | Local Address | ForeginAddress | State | PID
the important columns are "Local Address" where you will search for the port and "PID" that will show you the Process ID that is using it.. when you find it, type the next command changing the PID that is using the port in this case it is 5275
taskkill /PID 5272
if you get any trouble, add /F to force it to end.

That's all.... Celebrate like kashiyuka because you killed that annoying Process and after do it 4 times more you will get a "Killing Spree" ;)


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